Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Do you ever feel that anything and everything that you do is wrong? That every decision that you have ever made in the entirety of your existance has been the wrong one? Our lives are governed by action - without action we would lack the sentiment of achievement, the presence of vitality and the potential for change. Action plays a crucial role in our ability to function in society, and without it we simply become languid creatures living a vacuous existence. Avolition is defined as "an inability to initiate and persist in goal-directed activities" and "a psychological state characterized by general lack of desire, drive, or motivation". This absence of action and desire is also a common symptom for schizophrenics, so would it then not be logical to assume that action is not just a driving force, but a necessity for mental stability? This is where logic seems to fail us, because action is also the cornerstone of contempt, anger and hurt. Action encompasses a whole range of sentiments, from an "act of betrayal" to an "act of love". It is the actions of others that so often inflict emotional pain upon us, and the actions of ourselves that seem so capable of hurting others. And the worst thing is, the harder you try, the harder you fall. There seems to be an existence of "right" action and "wrong" action, and when we choose the wrong action the ramifications aren't just for us, but everyone around us. If we don't consider the implications of the way we act, we ultimately risk losing everything that is important to us. If we consider that a lack of action is considered unhealthy, why is it that action so often seems more detrimental than doing nothing at all?

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