Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Talk's cheap. You could have all the good intentions in the world, but what does it matter if they eventuate to nothing? I think we get very caught up in everything that should or could be, but sometimes forget to put in the effort to make these dreams become realities. I feel like every day of my life serves to exemplify this ideal. Sometimes I wonder, how many of us will ever truly reach our potential? And how many of us will look back in anger and regret realising that we never put in the effort to make the most of ourselves? Sometimes it feels like I am putting too much trust in hoping things will be okay, rather than doing something to ensure that they will be. When and why did I stop trying? Caring? It may seem like some sort of consolation to tell yourself that you could achieve great things, but what's point if you can't put it into action? An ENTER score, a premiership, a fundraiser or some brilliant breakthrough. If you say you can, why don't you just do it? Talk's cheap until you put it into action.

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