Monday, 7 February 2011


Despite my most recent views on life being solely based on the scientific and sterile nature of our existence, at this moment in time I have taken the opportunity to stray from my deterministic viewpoint and step into the somewhat unfamiliar territory of a perspective based on free will. A logical person, I have always believed that much of what we get is set out for us; our biological make-up determines a considerable amount of our intellect, our personality and, dare-I-say, our attitude.

Eternally jealous I have always been of those who can reject the lemons that life throws at them and demand oranges instead; those whom I believed were “born with” a positive and resilient attitude. And while I trudged along a gloomy path of sadness and despair, I regretted that I was not born with that same strength.

But why should I? Part of me still believes that an element of attitude is pre-determined in our genetic make-up, but why should I be a slave to such bitter dispositions? We should not be passive in the way we think, we should feel empowered. If there is one thing I have finally learnt after 18 years, it is that attitude is everything. And although I spent many a day wishing and waiting for mine to change, I have now decided that enough is enough, and refuse to wait any longer. I was recently told that “we make our own luck” and I think after years of waiting I finally understand what this means.

Life may just be a void of time that we, carbon robots, fill with things to make it seem worthwhile, or maybe it is an opportunity to learn, to love and to live. We have so many options as to how we wish to view the world, and we are given a choice: to reject what lies before us and be miserable, or to take this opportunity, embrace it and be happy. It may not be easy or natural, but in the end, having a positive attitude is the only choice – at times it will be difficult, and at times in may not seem like enough, but ultimately, it must be.

“You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.” ~ Chuck Palahniuk

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