Saturday, 8 January 2011

The higher you fly, the harder you fall.

There isn't any meaning and there never will be. It is that goddamn simple. Life is just time filled with things: things we enjoy and things we hate; emotions that make us, and emotions that ruin us; people who give us the delusion that we are not alone living a meaningless existence, and people who remind us that we don't have any reason to be here. There is nothing here. There is no reason that we are here nor is there a reason to stay here. We are an accumulation of particles occupying time and space - nothing more. Emotion and feeling are caused by chemicals in one's brain and our differences are not in our thoughts or behaviours, but our mere biology. We are so very complex, but in the end, we are, at the core of our existence, a product of science. Biology, physics and chemistry combine to make us: manufactured carbon robots. We see things and feel things, but nothing will change the fact that the period between our birth and death is insignificant, meaningless and will have no impact on the world. I will never truly be happy, nor will I make anyone truly happy. Perhaps some of us can justify our existence with a feeling of contentment, yet I am certain that I am eternally devoid of this delusional virtue.

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